Developing Methodology

Research methodology

In ordinary talk they say `The end justifies the means' but in scientific research the opposite is true, that is, `The means justifies the end'. You can't claim to have come up with credible results in any research engagement if your methodology is flawed. Methodology basically is a statement on how the research was carried out. In sum, it is about steps or methods adopted to operationalize the research agenda. Depending on how it’s formulated, the methodology adopted affects the validity and reliability of the findings of any study. Implicitly, if you are carrying out a qualitative study you need to adopt research techniques that are consistent with the qualitative methodology. The same applies to a quantitative study, it must also adopt research techniques that conform to the cannons of this methodology. We are experts in crafting research methodology for any study. Our team at Patsimeh Research Institute (PRI) are more than ready to assist you swiftly in the crafting of a research methodology for your study.